In case you have purchased a DVD/CD with an UltraMixer serial number, you will need to apply for a license key file through our Website.
Please save the license key file (.um6key) contained in the email attachment to any location on your hard drive.
Besides that, make sure to write down your Order Number and keep it safe. You will need it for activation, further upgrades to a newer UltraMixer Versions, and retrieving the activation key file in case it is lost.
Next, download the latest UltraMixer Version from our homepage and install it.
When you start the program, the software will automatically launch a Demo Version of UltraMixer.
The following dialog appears:

There are 3 different versions available: UltraMixer Pro Entertain, UltraMixer Basic, and UltraMixer Home. Please choose the version you have purchased.
Once you have made your decision, another screen will appear that gives you the opportunity to unlock UltraMixer with the new license key.
To activate UltraMixer click on the button “Activate…”
A new screen appears which allows you to deposit the license file (.umkey) and enter your order number.
Finally, click on “Activate …” once more and start your Software!