Table of Contents
UltraMixer 6 #
VERSION 6.4.4 [2025-03-25] #
- GeneralNumerical group sorting for a clearer display
- featureTapper button and display of the file path in the ID3 tag editor
- GeneralLine break in CSV export now works correctly
- InterfaceBugfix in the “Open Playlist File” dialog (LastLoadDirectory)
- InterfaceSettings in the ID3 tag editor are now also saved when “Next” or “Previous” is used
VERSION 6.4.3 [2025-02-07] #
- GeneralUpdated code libraries for upcoming features.
- GeneralUpdated splash screen for 2025.
VERSION 6.4.2 [2024-10-17] #
- GeneralUltraMixer 6 is now fully compatible with the latest macOS (Sequoia).
VERSION 6.4.1 [2024-06-10] #
- GeneralAudioSampler2 now supports LED pad lighting: Users can now add this lighting control themselves in the controller mapping.
- GeneralThe version tag is now also included in the metadata of .m4a music files.
- GeneralSynchronization of tracks by clicking the sync button works again, the beats now align properly.
- GeneralNo more issues with loading AudioSampler after restarting UltraMixer (changes to AudioSampler are now saved).
Version 6.4.0 [2024-04-15] #
- Feature Ascending sorting of the beat dropdown list in the ID3 tag.
- Feature iPhones can now be used in conjunction with MacBooks as webcams in the video feature.
- Feature Preview player in ID3 tag editor.
- GeneralFixed an issue with starting UltraMixer, e.g., during offline operation or when using MIDI controllers.
- GeneralAutomatic deactivation of the video mode for a smooth startup of UltraMixer.
- GeneralFixed: UltraMixer no longer freezes when playing unsupported M4a files.
- FeatureFixed: Cover search is functional again.
- FeatureWebcam is detected and initialized.
- FeatureWindows: All drives are displayed again when adding directories.
- FeatureOptimization of the editing and analysis dialogs in all music lists.
- InterfaceCustom display time of the banner works properly again.
- InterfaceMarker bar in music lists is synchronized with the ID3 tag.
- InterfaceFurther optimizations and general stability improvements.
Version 6.3.1 [2023-11-09] #
- GeneralWindows: After an update of the operating system, there was an increased occurrence of the error message “Access Violation”
- GeneralFurther optimizations and general stability improvements
- FeatureImproved automatic completion in the search field input
- FeatureFixed an issue with the connection to the UltraMixer Remote App
- FeatureIf log files are sent through the UltraMixer software, the support team also receives the order number for the license
- InterfaceURLs to the Website were updated
- InterfaceImproved description of the menu entries for exporting/importing the music database.
Version 6.3.0 [2023-08-10] #
- FeatureUpdate from Java 8 to Java 11
- FeatureChange the order in subgroups within the FileArchive alphabetically
- FeatureMulti-Monitor Support (Separate Windows and Dialogs of the UltraMixer User Interface will be opened on the screen you are working, not only on your main screen)
- InterfaceImproved status visualization after finishing the consistency check
- MIDINumark DJ2GO2 Touch
- MIDINumark NS4FX
- MIDIicon i-Djay
- InterfaceMac: Deactivated the Dark Mode Theme for UltraMixer in order to prevent crashes when changing from bright to dark mode
- InterfaceMac: Deactivating the fullscreen mode won’t let UltraMixer crash anymore
- InterfaceLess flickering of the user interface when starting the software
- InterfaceContext menus will be displayed more reliably
- FeatureMac: fixed connection error when scanning the QR Code with the UltraMixer Remote App
- FeaturePlayer 3+4 can be filled from Explorer/Finder using Drag- and Drop gesture
- InterfaceNumber of titles and duration below the playlists are calculated correctly
- InterfaceWhen switching from 4 to 2 Player-Mode, the die Mini-Waveforms of Player 3 and 4 will be displayed correctly
- InterfaceWaitlist-Column for “file name” displayed the file path
- Interfacethe link within Settings > Help will now lead to our Support website
- InterfaceMinor Optimizations and general performance improvements
- MIDIDenon MC7000: fixed LED
- MIDIHercules Impulse 300: fixed filter
- MIDIReloop Terminal Mix 4: added 4 player mode
- MIDIZono MC1000: added 4 player mode
Version 6.2.13 [2021-12-20] #
- FeatureThe quick selection for ID3 tag fields “time signature”, “key” and “dance style” was rebuild.
- FeatureAfter double-clicking on a track in the FileArchive to start the prelistening mode, the time display will not freeze anymore.
- FeatureThe flickering after using the shortcuts to empty the players has been fixed.
- FeatureSome audio samples froze when clicked quickly for several times. In addition, the setting options have been revised.
- InterfaceThe midi editor has been replaced.
Version 6.2.12 [2021-10-19] #
- FeatureNew Shortcuts: Empty Titles in Player 1 – 4 (Preferences > Keyboard; Available after clicking the “Reset” Button)
- GeneralExternal 7.1 Sound cards are supported correctly
- FeatureSongs in the Prelistening-Player will change after double clicking the next title in the FileArchive (previously: triple-click)
- InterfaceIn Version 6.2.11 the icon for setting up the view in each list went missing – it is back at it’s place again
- InterfaceShortcut-Translations were corrected
- InterfaceThe image widget was previously described as “User” – this was corrected
Version 6.2.11 [2021-10-05] #
- Feature The live text will be displayed only after you place a checkmark within the “Show” field. This means you can edit the text first and then display it on the screen for your audience.
- FeatureNew setting option (Settings > Apperance): Security query for “Delete all titles” within playlists
- FeatureAudioSampler 1 and 2: Volume control will be saved and reloaded when restarting the UltraMixer Software
- MIDINew MIDI Mapping: Numark Mixtrack Platinum FX
- Feature iTunes or Apple Music App Import supported after the latest Mac Updates.
- FeatureImage Widget is implemented again
- FeatureBanderole for Player 2 should be displayed properly again.
- MIDIFixmapping for Denon DJ MC3000 and all MIDI Controller LED displays
- MIDIMIDI mapping for Pioneer DDJ RB was missing
- InterfaceMonitors with a small resolution should now be displayed with the correct width again (e.g. 1366×768)
- InterfaceMac: UltraMixer interface completely redesigned for light and dark mode
- InterfaceImproved visibility of marked titles in the FileArchive when using skins
- InterfaceImproved an Issue with “jerking” Album Covers
Version 6.2.10 [2021-06-02] #
- Feature Version 6.2.10 Crossfader not working properly
Version 6.2.9 [2021-05-31] #
- Feature Import of playlists from the Music App library on Mac
- Interface First adaptions for 4K User Interfaces
- General Windows 32 Bit: UltraMixer Home and Basic can be executed
- General UltraMixer would crash when unplugging an HDMI connection
- General UltraMixer would crash when Audio Sampler buttons were clicked fast and “Fade out on Stop” was activated in the slot settings
- Feature Two-channel sound cards: Monitoring/Cueing was activated, even if the button showed “deactivated”
- Feature Mac: it is possible to delete songs from your hard drive again
- Feature A running Player 1/2 would be stopped when loading the same song into Player 3/4
- Interface Mac: “About Start” etc. has been replaced with “About UltraMixer” etc.
- Interface Menus (Widgets, Audio Sampler Slot, etc.) showing correctly when opening
- Interface Mac: minor user interface color corrections
Version 6.1.1 [2018-12-20] #
- Feature The waveform does not correspond to the file in seldom cases
- FeatureMultiple editing of ID3 Tags
- InterfaceMissing exclamation mark
- InterfaceUltraMixer 6 Basic skins are not shown sometimes
- Interface Widget sizes change after restart
- InterfaceSometimes wrong positioning of the video mix widget
- InterfaceGeneral layout correction
Version 6.0.6 [2018-06-14] #
- General Performance updates and stability improvements
- MIDI Mapping for Denon DJ MC7000
- MIDI Mapping Pioneer DJ Wego4
- Interface Title display improvements in Windows 10
- Feature Defect title analysis
UltraMixer 5 #
5.2.2 RC [not officially released] #
- Entertain New Visual “Stars”
- Entertain New Visuals
- MIDI MIDI-Mapping Numark Partymix
Version 5.2.0 [2017-11-02] #
- Entertain New live visuals “stars” and “black hole”
- MIDI Support for the Zomo MC1000
- MIDI Support of Denon MCX 8000
- MIDI Adapted MIDI mapping for the Reloop Mixtour
- FileArchive Playlists that contain special characters and are saved with UltraMixer, can’t be loaded with UltraMixer anymore
Version 5.1.7 [2017-04-25] #
- Feature Player volume is changing when loading a new track and master gain is not 0 dB
Version 5.1.6 [2017-04-25] #
- FileArchive Rare problem when adding WAV files to FileArchive
Version 5.1.5 [2017-03-30] #
- MIDI Support of Denon MCX 7000
Version 5.1.4 [2017-02-23] #
- Feature Jump to row in playlist/waitlist when clicking on track in display
- FileArchive Possibility to edit the play counter
- MIDI Support for AmericanAudio VMS 5
- MIDI Support for Hercules DJ Control JOGVISION
- MIDI Support for Hercules DJ Control Compact
- MIDI Support for Hercules DJ Control WAVE
- MIDI Support for Hercules P32 DJ
- MIDI Support for Reloop MixOn 4
- MIDI Support for Reloop Neon
- Interface UltraMixer Pro Entertain now automatically uses pro skin if you started UltraMixer Basic before
- FileArchive Save M3U playlists in platform-independent UTF-8 format.
- Interface Levels in the inputs section are missing
Version 5.1.3 [2016-04-05] #
- General Memory limit on Mac OSX increased.
- FileArchive Shortcut to undock and maximize FileArchive: Alt+Space (ESC to close).
- MIDI Support for Pioneer MEP-7000 midi controller
- MIDI X-fader slider of Denon MC6000 MK2 controls Master Gain of UltraMixer now
- Interface Automatically save position and size of ID3 tag dialog.
- Interface Small changes in “Add Directory” dialog.
- FileArchive *.ufa file after export of FileArchive can contain unnecessary files.
- FileArchive Freezing user interface when using function “Clear FileArchive”, “Reset Counter”, “Import FileArchive” in rare cases.
- FileArchive Normalisation of multiple selected video files doesn’t work.
- MIDI “AutoDJ LED” doesn’t lighten when using the latest firmware update.
- MIDI Denon HC4500: “Pitchbend + Value” key locks.
- MIDI Rarely noise when scratching backward.
Version 5.1.2 [2015-12-16] #
- Entertain Karaoke slide is showing colored if you change the font color of live text
- FileArchive Wishlist is showing singer column by mistake
Version [2015-12-29] #
- General Hint dialog to inform the user that CD playback is not supported in 64bit version yet
Version 5.1.1 [2015-12-17] #
- General Audio Engine related crashes while loading a file with path length > 256 on Mac
- General Audio Engine related rare crashes when loading special VOB files
- General UltraMixer 5S 64bit doesn’t start correctly when double-clicking UltraMixer license key file (*.um5key)
- Entertain Video does not refresh in rare cases when the webcam is visible and the video window is undocked
- FileArchive Exported Windows music library can’t be imported in mac in rare cases
Version 5.1.0 [2015-12-02] #
- General 64bit mac version
- General 64bit windows version
- Entertain Beat triggered dynamic live visualizations
- Entertain New karaoke mode to make karaoke parties
- Entertain New supported video codecs (e.g. DIVX, …)
- FileArchive Function to import and export the whole music library (database + music files)
- Entertain New video engine for high-performance playback of videos
- FileArchive PreviewPlayer doesn’t loop anymore.
- General Audio engine related crash while loading broken mp3 file
- General ALAC file support in sample player
- FileArchive FileArchive migration from UltraMixer 4.0.5 to UltraMixer 5 fails
Version 5.0.5 [2015-11-24] #
- MIDI Support of Denon MC4000
- MIDI Support of Hercules DjControl Air+
- MIDI Support of Hercules DjControl Air
- MIDI Support of Numark 4Trak
- MIDI Support of Numark MixTrack Pro 3
- MIDI Support of Numark Mixdeck Quad
- MIDI Support of Numark NS6
- MIDI Support of Numark NV
- MIDI Support of Numark iDJ Live 2
- MIDI Support of Reloop BeatPad 2
- MIDI Support of Reloop Beatmix 4
- MIDI Support of Reloop Terminal Mix 8
- Interface Sampler settings can’t be opened when using the Dutch user interface
Version 5.0.4 [2015-11-09] #
- MIDI Crossfader Hamster Switch (inverse)
- FileArchive Some mp4 files (with missing tags) are not imported correctly
- MIDI Denon MC6000 is not recognized fully in conjunction with some drivers
Version 5.0.3 [2015-10-09] #
- General Support for Mac OS X 10.11 El Captan
- Feature Intelligent group strips out duplicate tracks of Playlists now
- Feature New sample bank “TR 808 Drumkit” with awesome drum sounds
- Entertain Automatic rotation of images in a slide show
- FileArchive Option to save played tracks unlimited
- FileArchive Support for metadata of M4V video files
- MIDI Reloop Terminal Mix 4: support for filter knob
- Interface New skin for small screen devices/resolutions (1024×600, netbook)
- Interface Location-independent display of times
- General Remove old UltraMixer installation on mac before installing a new one
- Preferences Video settings are integrated into UltraMixer’s general settings now
- Feature Show only 1 decimal digit instead of 2 in the bpm column in the waitlist
- FileArchive Show progress dialog during sorting groups in FileArchive
- FileArchive Tracks that are in FileArchive with different upper and lower cases are only shown one time now
- MIDI Changes in midi mapping “Denon MC6000 MK2” (pre cueing)
- MIDI MIDI widget shows “No MIDI device connected” even when a MIDI device is used
- Interface Java Runtime 1.8.0_60 for Windows 10 support
- General Text corrections in the preferences dialog
- General UltraMixer doesn’t quit correctly in rare cases
- GeneralMicrophone recording distorted in rare cases
- Preferences MIDI options are not shown sometimes
- Feature Control of fading time vanishes after the first usage of Auto DJ
- Feature Freeze in AutoDJ mode when AutoDJ is on, crossfader is moving and you remove all tracks on the waitlist
- Feature New sample bank “UltraMixer FX 1” with special effects.
- Feature Sample Volume can’t be turned off
- Feature Sort wishlist by bpm sometimes not correct
- Entertain Slide show doesn’t work in rare cases
- Entertain Slide show interrupts in rare cases while loading broken images
- FileArchive Function “clear played tracks” doesn’t refresh the user interface in rare cases
- FileArchive Groups can’t be sorted in rare cases
- FileArchive Rare sound noise when loading a track
- MIDI Crossfader doesn’t close 100% on player 2 when using fixed MIDI mappings (e.g. Denon MC3000)
- MIDI Fixed MIDI mappings can’t be used in rare cases
- MIDI MIDI Denon MC 6000-MK2: BACK and FWD keys are inverted
- Interface Links in demo dialog after startup doesn’t work
- Interface MacOSX 10.11 (El Capitan) version detection reworked
- Interface UltraMixer hangs sometimes on shutdown
Version 5.0.2 [2014-12-17] #
- Feature Option to play track when loading a cue point
- Entertain Clock display as a visual effect
- Entertain Option to hide cover display in the blurb
- MIDI Option to disable the crossfader in MIDI controller
- MIDI Option to disable the jog wheels in MIDI controller
- General Optimized memory management for Quicktime on Windows
- Interface Waveforms causes CPU usage even if no player is running
Version 5.0.1 [2014-12-05] #
- Feature Seek waveform is not visible under seldom circumstances.
5.0.0 [2014-12-03] #
- Feature Colored waveform
- Feature Synced rendering of both waveforms
- Preferences Show target (e.g.player) in shortcuts table in preferences
UltraMixer 4 #
4.1.3 RC [Not Officially Released] #
- FileArchive Intelligent group strips out duplicate tracks now
- MIDI Reloop Terminal Mix 4: support for filter knob
- FileArchive Tracks that are in FileArchive with different upper and lower cases are only shown one time now
- MIDI Changes in midi mapping “Denon MC6000 MK2” (pre cueing)
- Entertain Slide show interrupts in rare cases while loading broken images
- FileArchive Show progress dialog during sorting groups in FileArchive
- FileArchive Sort by bpm sometimes not correct
Version 4.1.2 [2014-12-17] #
- MIDI Changed MIDI mapping for Denon MC6000-MK2 (better cueing)
- General Optimized memory management for Quicktime on Windows
Version 4.1.1 [2014-11-16] #
- FileArchive Intelligent context menus
- MIDI Changed MIDI mapping for Denon MC6000-MK2 (better cueing)
- General The audio playback stops sometimes in SYNC mode
- Feature Show target (e.g.player) in shortcuts table in preferences
Version 4.1 [2014-10-20] #
- General Option to start UltraMixer as a demo version for registered users
- General Higher accuracy when scratching
- General Optimized support of multi-core CPUs
- General Support of ALAC files (Apple Lossless Audio Codec) on Mac OS X 10.8 or higher
- Preferences Button to reset the location of file archive in options
- Preferences Check if user based location of the file archive is writable
- Feature Adjustable pause in player CONT mode (continuous play)
- Feature It’s possible to scratch into and out of a loop
- Feature It is possible to set the current position before and after an active loop
- Feature Keep in scratching mode when untouching jog wheel
- Feature Option to reset speed after fading in AutoDJ sync mode
- Entertain Buffered video playback for smooth video playback
- Entertain Option to adjust fading duration on slide shows
- FileArchive “Save as CSV” include all visible columns now
- FileArchive Confirmation dialog when clearing the list of played tracks
- FileArchive Faster display of group tracks if the group has no subgroups and “flat view” mode is enabled
- FileArchive Import music from iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch
- FileArchive Performance boost in FileArchive (especially in big archives with more than 300.000 tracks)
- FileArchive Show metadata (artist, title, …) of MP4 files
- MIDI Create, import, and export custom midi maps
- MIDI Support for Denon SC2000
- MIDI Support for Numark MixTrack Edge
- MIDI Support for Numark MixTrack Pro 2
- MIDI Support for Numark MixTrack Quad
- MIDI Support for Numark Mixdeck Express
- MIDI Support for Numark Mixdeck Quad
- MIDI Support for Pioneer XDJ-R1
- MIDI Support for Reloop Digital Jockey
- MIDI Support for Reloop Jockey 3 ME
- MIDI Support for Reloop Terminal Mix 4
- MIDI Support multiple MIDI controllers at the same time
- MIDI Support of American Audio VMS2
- MIDI Support of Denon MC2000
- MIDI Support of Denon MC6000 MKII
- MIDI Support of Numark N4
- MIDI Support of Pioneer SSX-DJ
- Interface Keystrokes for “spread to waitlist”
- Interface New shortcuts for loop functions
- Interface Show pause in AutoDJ mode over the play button
- General Optimized scratching quality & latency
- General Reduction of memory usage when loading tracks
- FileArchive Show progress dialog when resetting hits
- Interface All dialogs can be closed now via the ESC key
- General Memory leak after loading m4a tracks
- Feature Remote tracks from Wishlist by backspace key doesn’t work
- Feature Select in wishlist table jumps if tracks are sorted
- Feature Tracks in the wishlist are removed if you put them via Drag and Drop into the wishlist again
- Feature It’s not possible to switch transition effects in the slide show
- Feature M4a files are recognized as video files
- Feature Memory leak in slideshow
- Feature Slide show function to show images with transition effects
- Feature Slide show transitions can’t be changed
- Feature Visualisation of the current track as a band (“MTV mode”)
- Feature Visualisations and background images are not shown when m4a files are loaded
- FileArchive Group in FileArchive is not sorted anymore sometimes after restarting UltraMixer
- FileArchive Next and previous buttons not invisible in ID3 tag multi-edit mode
- FileArchive Not possible to add new music in rarely cases
- FileArchive Playlists are not saved sometimes on quitting UltraMixer
- FileArchive Previous and next buttons should not be visible in a multi-edit mode in FileArchive
- FileArchive Sync of iTunes playlists fails if no iTunes is installed
- FileArchive Synchronisation of big groups fails sometimes
- FileArchive Synchronisation of complete FileArchive sometimes fails
- FileArchive Wrong sort order of date column in file archive import dialog
- Interface Loading of playlists is not correct
Version 4.0.5 RC 4 [2014-02-07] #
- PreferencesLanguage can’t be changed in settings
- Entertain UltraMixer doesn’t start if the slideshow directory doesn’t exist anymore
Version 4.0.4 [2013-11-27] #
- FileArchive Playlists are instantly saved and restored even after a system crash
- FileArchive Update FIleArchive statistic without need to restart
- PreferencesOption “this UltraMixer acts as client” is not selected after the restart
- FileArchive Show message if UltraMixer Client can’t connect to an UltraMixer Server
- FileArchive UltraMixer doesn’t start if the file archive list is sorted by TPM column and UltraMixer is restarted
Version 4.0.3 [2013-08-20] #
- FileArchive Column “counter” and group “played tracks” are supported now from “UltraMixer Home” too
- FileArchive Detail search extended by field “version”
- FileArchive Intelligent groups are extended by new column “added” (time)
- FileArchive New column “added” (time)
- FileArchive New options for preview player: “load track on change” and “keep playing on change”
- FileArchive Possibility to edit ID3 tags in all tables by pressing ALT+I
- FileArchive Show recently added tracks in FileArchive tree
- FileArchive Sortable wishlist
- MIDI Option to disable crossfader on Denon MC3000 and MC6000
- Preferences Cleaner actions names in keyboard settings
- FileArchive Multi-column sort should be independently from lower/upper case
- FileArchive Previewplayer continues playing when a new title is selected
- FileArchive Menu items “Show in Explorer” and “Reveal in Finder” not visible in the group “Played Tracks”
Version 4.0.2 [2013-05-03] #
- General Automatic recognition of order number when activating UltraMixer
- FileArchive Automatic scrolling in FileArchive tree when dragging and dropping groups
- FileArchive Separate view of the file path and file name in FileArchive table
- FileArchive Optimized amazon cover search
- Interface “Add Tracks”: use the last used directory in the file chooser
- General It’s now possible to start multiple instances of the full version of UltraMixer at one system
- Preferences It’s not possible to use multiple sound devices in UltraMixer Basic
- Preferences Shortcuts can not be changed in “UltraMixer Basic”
- Feature CDs can’t be played on the preview player
- Interface YouTube Downloader does not work anymore
Version 4.0.1 [2013-03-02] #
- General New “all” channel in ASIO mode (output to all channels)
- General Support for multi user licences
- Preferences Function to export and import settings
- Feature “In-time” looping mode (original position is restored after looping)
- Feature Option to switch from BPM to MPM in display
- General License sometimes recognized as invalid
- Preferences Not possible to set the preferred ASIO device
- Preferences Preview of home skin changed
- FileArchive Auto-sync function can’t be disabled
- FileArchive Sometimes tracks can’t be added to FileArchive
- Interface Precuing with audio CDs is not possible
Version 4.0 [2012-12-20] #
- Preferences Automatically restart UltraMixer
- Feature Automatic talk over (music decreases automatically when speaking into mic)
- Feature Mic support (live playback for microphone channel of sound devices)
- Feature Mix-Broadcasting to stream your mix into the world (e.g. for web radio), mixlr support
- Feature Support for Line-In channels (e.g. for playback of external CD player)
- Feature Automatically restart UltraMixer
- Feature New mode for asynchronous fading in AutoDJ (option in settings)
- FileArchive Cover search on Amazon
- FileArchive Function to choose next track in id3 tag edit dialog
- FileArchive Function to copy music from archive and playlists to storage devices
- FileArchive New column “composer”
- FileArchive New column “last played”
- FileArchive Search for the composer in detailed search dialog
- FileArchive Search, download and play music directly from Youtube
- FileArchive Show covers in FileArchive
- FileArchive Specify search by columns (e.g. “Artist: Madonna Rating: 3-5)
- MIDI Support for Hercules Instinct
- MIDI Support for Hercules RMX2
- Interface Mac: support for retina displays (MacBook Pro Retina / MacBook Air)
- Interface Show playlists in fullscreen mode (hide archive and mixer)
- FileArchive Check for Quicktime and show dialog “QuickTime needed” before searching in YouTube
- General UltraMixer sometimes does not start
UltraMixer 3 #
3.2.1 RC [not officially released] #
- Feature Sortable wishlist
- Feature Pre-cueing with audio CDs is not possible
- Feature Tracks in the wishlist are removed if you put them via Drag and Drop into the wishlist again
- MIDI Not possible to set the preferred ASIO device
- Interface Menu items “Show in Explorer” and “Reveal in Finder” not visible in the group “Played Tracks”
Version 3.2.0 [2012-08-16] #
- Feature BPM tap for manual BPM detection
- Feature Drag’n’drop tracks from playlist/waitlist/wishlist to notes widget
- Feature Fader start function to automatically start and stop the player by volume slider
- FileArchive Dialog for easy importing of file archive backups
- FileArchive Read and save replay gain value in id3 tags of OGG and FLAC files
- FileArchive Seek buttons in the preview player
- MIDI Support for Denon MC-3000
- MIDI Support for Vestax VCI-400
- Interface Netbook skin for UltraMixer 3 Basic
- Interface New color schemes “blacklists” with completely blacklist backgrounds
- Feature Higher output when recording or broadcasting
- Feature Optimized brake and spin up effect (right mouse click on the play button)
- FileArchive Unlimited import of bpm studio archive
- FileArchive Bpm values are stored in format xxx.xx in id3 tag now
- FileArchive Duplicate search results are filtered now
- FileArchive New option to block duplicate tracks in the group “played tracks”
- FileArchive The hit count is increased now the track was played – not only loaded like before
- FileArchive When adding playlists it’s possible now to select multiple files and folders
- FileArchive When exporting a group as an m3u playlist the new file is named like the group
- Interface ID3 tag edit dialog is resizable now
- General Rarely, unforced crash when loading mp3 files
- General Update check sometimes doesn’t work
- General Crash while loading a track if the file chooser was opened before
- Preferences Inversive mark of fullscreen mode in the settings menu
- Preferences Settings are not saved always when pressing on “Apply” and “Restart”
- Feature Preview player doesn’t open in the group “played tracks” when pressing space or enter
- Feature Recording volume 50% instead of 100%
- FileArchive Structured groups are not always shown correctly
- FileArchive After adding a playlist to the file archive the playlist files are shown but another group is selected
- FileArchive Filenames with special characters are corrupt after exporting a playlist on Mac
- FileArchive Function “Analyse Track” stores 999 in replaygain ID3 tag field – should not be
- FileArchive Multiple preview player when switching between paylists and undocked file archive
- FileArchive Structured group “artist” is not show correctly when artist name contains the character ‘
- Interface Can’t disable antialiasing in FileArchive tree
- Interface Drag’n’drop tracks from FileArchive into playlists/player doesn’t work when the cover view is visible
- Interface Drag’n’drop tracks from wishlist to waitlist doesn’t work
- Interface File dialogs are not shown sometimes on Windows XP
Version 3.1.1 [2011-12-22] #
- General UltraMixer doesn’t start on Mac OS X 10.8 for security reasons (Gatekeeper)
Version 3.1 [2011-12-08] #
- Preferences Automatically restart UltraMixer
- Preferences Copy & paste context menu on field “comments”
- Feature Function to preview samples in sample player
- FileArchive Export groups as CSV file
- FileArchive Multi keyword search (e.g. “Michael Billy”)
- FileArchive Statistik dialog to show a number of tracks, groups, …
- Interface Support for undo and redo on text fields
- General Optimized sound
- FileArchive Optimized recognition of iTunes library
- FileArchive Playlists can be added to FileArchive root now
- Interface Optimized file chooser
- General Volume normalization function hangs on 100%
- Preferences “Browse for iTunes location” uses the wrong file chooser
- Feature Samples from saves sample banks that contain special characters could not be played
- FileArchive iTunes tracks import dialog doesn’t open sometimes
Version 3.0.4 [2011-10-07] #
- FileArchive Crash when adding or using big file archives because of a memory leak
Version 3.0.3 [2011-09-16] #
- Preferences New option “use multi-column search”
- Preferences Option “save last x mixing sessions” allows now unlimited mixing sessions
- FileArchive Possible to test the BPM Studio import in a demo version with up to 100 tracks
- FileArchive Synchronize groups imported from BPM Studio after import
- FileArchive New function “Analyze tracks” combines old BPM, Waveform, and Beat calculations
- FileArchive Support for m3u playlists that contain music from network drives
- FileArchive Automatic database backups and user-friendly re-import after downgrade to a previous version
- FileArchive Mix recordings are shown in FileArchive tree now
- FileArchive New column “dance style” (is stored in id3 tag and FileArchive)
- FileArchive New column for listing TPM (meter per minute)
- FileArchive New column for listing the meter
- FileArchive Playlists which are added as m3u or from waitlist/wishlist/playlist keep sort sequence
- FileArchive Removing tracks is not possible with a recursive view (folder icon) enabled
- FileArchive Show track count for each structured group in the FileArchive tree
- MIDI Support for Numark DJ2GO
- MIDI Support for DJ controller Synq DMC-2000
- MIDI Synq DMC-2000: it’s possible now to control the fading curve
- Interface New description of sync modes
- Interface Drag and drop from groups “played tracks” and “structured” into all playlists
- Interface Repeat function to repeat a single track (right click on waveform or loop)
- Interface Repeat function to repeat a single track (right click on waveform or loop)
- General Optimized mid range in 3 band EQ
- General When pressing the “next” button the currently loaded track is not removed anymore if it’s not playing
- Preferences Separate options to load the first Cue Point and the first Beat while loading a track
- FileArchive Faster import of big hard disks into FileArchive
- FileArchive Faster listing of groups in FileArchive
- MIDI Jump to current cue point when pressing cue button
- Interface Preview player stays open when exiting archive mode
- Interface Pitch buttons are shown in correct order dependent on pitch slider style
- Interface New button “yes all” in confirmation dialog when deleting tracks from hard disk
- General Logfile backup is overwritten incorrectly
- General Demo tracks are added to the playlist on UltraMixer start
- General High CPU load when playing tracks from an audio CD
- General MusicChecker does not check video files and files with uppercase file extensions
- General Resonance effect is enabled sometimes even if it is on zero position
- Feature Player jumps to loop in point on pressing loop button (e.g. “4”) if you have scratched before
- Feature Short samples are not played completely
- Feature Pitch does not always reset when a track is unloaded from the player
- Feature Pitch down button gets stuck sometimes when using small steps of 0.01
- Feature Seldom sound crackle after multiple cue-play
- Feature Mini Waveforms may be drawn wrong when a track is unloaded very fast
- FileArchive Playlists with space characters in their name are not imported completely from BPM Studio
- FileArchive After adding iTunes playlists with m4p tracks the structured group “year” can’t be opened anymore
- FileArchive Comment fields contain sometimes internal data from iTunes
- FileArchive Detail search for years from-to with “and” selected does not return any results
- FileArchive First start FileArchive import may create sub-groups in the wrong group
- FileArchive Genre fields read from MP3 files with ID3 v2.4 tag are displayed as numbers
- FileArchive New recordings are not shown immediately
- FileArchive Ordering a table by track numbers like “09/20” does not work as expected
- Interface The icon of the preview player is sometimes not correct
Version [2011-05-03] #
- MIDI Denon MC6000: move tracks in playlists with sampler button and knob
- MIDI MC6000: seek in the preview player
- Interface Columns can be resized without limits in all tables
- Interface Netbook skin is not activated automatically on very small screens
- Interface Drag’n’drop is broken
Version [2011-04-29] #
- Feature New option “Jump to first cue point/beat on load”
- FileArchive Field “Version” (Subtitle) can not be used as a table column in the FileArchive
- FileArchive Read field “Subtitle”/”Version” from ID3 tag from MP3 files
- MIDI Denon MC6000: use param1 knob to adjust sampler volume
- MIDI Denon MC6000: use param2 knob to adjust the volume of the preview player
- MIDI Denon MC6000: use shift key to control all 16 samples
- MIDI Denon, Hercules, Vestax u.a.: it is possible to add tracks to playlist/waitlist by midi controller
- Feature Setting or changing a Loop causes a refresh in the FileArchive that may be slow
- Feature Wrong entry in the mini waveform context menu to delete silence points
- Feature Pitch shown in the large waveform does not always reset when a player is unloaded
- Interface Search field doesn’t show input correctly (Mac only)
Version [2011-04-21] #
- MIDI Optimized scrolling through lists with Hercules midi controller
- MIDI Scrolling in Tables with Denon MC6000 not possible
Version 3.0.2 [2011-04-20] #
- Preferences Option to define the preferred ASIO device
- Feature Possibility to pre-calculate the Waveform displays for single tracks or the whole FileArchive
- Feature Context menu to save, load, and delete CUEs and Loops in the Mini-Waveform
- FileArchive Import CUE Points while Importing from the BPM Studio Archive
- FileArchive Import Playlists and Played Songs while importing the BPM Studio Archive
- FileArchive Automatically create Backup Files for the FileArchive
- FileArchive Synchronization of iTunes playlists
- MIDI Automatic detection and selection of MIDI devices when starting UltraMixer
- MIDI Option to switch between external and internal mixer mode when using American Audio VMS4
- MIDI Support for EKS Otus and EKS Otus RAW
- MIDI Support for Numark MixTrack Pro
- MIDI Support for Vestax TR1
- MIDI Support for Vestax Typhoon
- Interface New function to load iTunes playlists in UltraMixer playlist/waitlist/wishlist
- Feature Optimize AutoSync, always synchronize the player later started (independent from Crossfader)
- FileArchive Duration of importing music to file archive reduced by factor 4
- FileArchive Ignore upper/lower case while ordering the Groups in the FileArchive tree
- FileArchive Recursive view of groups (flat view incl. subfolders) accelerated
- FileArchive UltraMixer needs much less memory when adding huge music archives, so terra-type big archives are no longer a problem
- Interface Optimized resizing behavior of table columns
- General After opening .umkey files the second text field does not contain the path to the key file
- General Crash when using very old PCs (AMD without SSE2)
- General Effects do not always affect the monitor channel
- Feature Allow Drag and Drop from FileArchive to Player when Auto-DJ is active
- Feature Drag and Drop from extern will not load the track into the player
- Feature Beadlock/auto sync produces unwanted results with loops smaller than one
- Feature Live waveform sometimes (seldom) displays a few seconds from the previous title
- Feature Mouse scratching in pause mode might start the player
- FileArchive “Delete FileArchive” sometimes does not delete everything when not in the 2-Playlists view
- FileArchive CSV Export of Played Tracks, Playlists, and FileArchive more flexible and reliable
- MIDI EKS XP-10 is not recognized automatically in Mac OS X
Version 3.0.1 [2011-01-31] #
- General High Stability Audio Engine in DirectX mode (audio playback without drop out even on a heavily loaded system)
- General Function for loading and saving of text files in the notes widget
- Preferences Option to disable the automatic beatmatching of loops
- Preferences Option to enable automatic Beatmatching of Cue Points (only for MIDI controllers)
- Preferences Support of additional languages
- Feature Drag’n’Drop for Sample-Slot Buttons
- Feature Function to change the speed of samples in sample player
- Feature Adjustable double click behavior in playlists like in FileArchive
- Feature Hot Cue position should be visualized in the Waveforms in addition to the saved Cue points
- FileArchive Drag and drop from playlists/waitlist/wishlist in the FileArchive
- FileArchive Drag and drop of m3u playlists in UltraMixer
- FileArchive Function to export playlists as CSV files for import and print from Microsoft Excel / Open Office / Apple Numbers
- FileArchive Hierarchical table sort according to Artist, Title, and Album
- MIDI Accessing loops with Hercules DJ Console MK4 und Hercules DJ Control MP3 e2
- MIDI Hercules MP3 e2 LED support
- MIDI Support of Hercules DJ Console 4-MX
- MIDI Supporting LEDs of M-Audio xponent
- Interface Function to detach the FileArchive as a separate window
- Interface Optimized function to show tracks in Explorer/Finder
- Interface Save table property “horizontal scroll”
- Interface Volumefader in Previewplayer integrated
- FileArchive Empty rating (right-click) shouldn’t be stored as 0 in the ID3 tag
- FileArchive Speed up function “Delete from hard disc”
- MIDI Full support for controlling loops and cue points with Hercules controllers
- MIDI Optimized behavior of jog wheels of American DJ VMS4 when pitching
- Interface Table footers should display total count and length only (not depending on Auto-DJ)
- Interface Track count missing in the table footers with only one file loaded
- General Master volume is changed in some situations when starting preview player
- General UltraMixer crashes when loading special M4A files
- General In specific cases saved cue points become visible after restart only
- General MP3 format is missing in mix-recording settings
- Preferences Show File Location doesn’t work on Mac OS X
- Preferences “Talkover” shortcut isn’t customizable
- Preferences Changing soundcard channel of preview player becomes active after restart only
- Preferences Keyboard shortcuts not working after PreviewPlayer was used
- Preferences When changing the FileArchive location the folder was not created automatically
- Feature Volume of players increases sometimes when starting preview player
- Feature Export playlist/waitlist to M3U file fails when artist/title contains dollar sign
- Feature Footer of FileArchive tree in the 2-playlist-mode is not accessible
- Feature Tracks are removed from playlists even if the option is disabled
- Feature When using Auto DJ, AutoSync/Beatlock is sometimes continued, despite the Button was inactivated
- Feature Played tracks shouldn’t be removed by Auto-DJ if removing is disabled in preferences
- Feature When restarting out-fading sample slot volume is wrong sometimes
- Feature 0.0 BPM may be displayed for a short time when pressing Play while the calculation is running
- Feature It was not possible to set an own pitch range
- Feature Player could be confused when using Loop and Framesearch at the same time
- Feature Double-clicking empty Waitlist/Wishlist caused an error
- Feature Starting with a missing USB device causes a lot of “missing file” messages in Waitlist
- Feature Widget settings open in the background
- FileArchive Adding folders with symbolic links (LNK, sometimes created by accident) fails
- FileArchive Export of “played tracks” as M3U/ CSV not possible
- FileArchive FileArchive’s “comments” column in exported CSV file is labeled wrong as “hits” column
- FileArchive Filter doesn’t work in FileArchive table after startup
- FileArchive Gray text does not disappear when switching between search/filter/highlighter
- FileArchive iTunes synchronization of groups in FileArchive fails
- FileArchive Played tracks group in FileArchive tree can not be colored
- FileArchive ReplayGain calculation for the whole FileArchive removes ID3 tags (seldom)
- FileArchive Searching for “+” in “filter”/”highlighter” mode not possible
- FileArchive The FileArchive groups “unsorted”, “FileArchive” and “search results” do not change when changing the locale
- MIDI American Audio Radius 1000/2000 can not be used
- MIDI Behringer BCD 3000 doesn’t work well
- MIDI Hercules DJ Console MK4 is not recognized automatically on Mac OS X
- MIDI The LED lights of the Hercules DJ Console RMX are not working
- MIDI The jog wheels of Numark TotalControl function in the wrong direction
- Interface “Start Player on double click” doesn’t work in 2-playlists-mode
- Interface “duration” column is not refreshed in playlists when changing the option “Show Play Start Time instead of Play Duration”
- Interface Bottom widgets disappear when switching between playlist and waitlist mode
- Interface Bottom widgets move down and disappear
- Interface English translation of widget “Notes” is missing
- Interface Layout errors (seldom) after hiding the right part (e.g. Waitlist)
- Interface Preview Player is opening and closing when double-clicking on the Preview Player column
- Interface Shortcuts sometimes not usable
- Interface The first two tracks are not loaded automatically when adding new tracks by the “+” button
- Interface Window layout changes when switching between FileArchive and Mixer